Newby Question


Please note that I am a newby very newby and this is my first web page, so please keep it simple. The answer to my question may be beyond my capabilities, but here goes.<br />On my site <br /><a href="" target="_blank"></a><br />at the moment I have to make a page for each town. I was wondering, is there a way that I can use the one page and when I ckick on the town only the centre would change (this would save a lot of work as now when I want to add a town I need to make a new page, new button, and add that button to all the previous pages) Where as if I had just the one page (with all the buttons and the centre just changed I would only have to add the new button to one page)<br /> <img src="" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":(" border="0" alt="sad.gif" /> <br />Help. <br />I am using dreamweaver mx.<br />Thanks<br />Steve<!--content-->
Are you familiar with the Templates in Dreamweaver? That would probably be the option I would choose to start with.<br /><br />My next choice would be to use PHP, but I'm not sure that as a Newbie you want to go that far in the first step <img src="" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":)" border="0" alt="smile.gif" /><!--content-->
Hi,<br /><br />I messed with DWMX templates and hated them...very awkward to use and I didn't have enough knowledge to figure out how to fix various problems that seemed to arise.<br /><br />I still don't know PHP...but I know how to use header and footer files with PHP. I think that if you are computer minded at all, you could understand that much. Not to mention that there are some great tutorials in the SCRIPTING forum here on TCH. have all the wonderful people here to help. I'm not nearly as smart as some of the folks around here, but would be glad to try and help you with the PHP of what you are trying to do.<br /><br />Tracy<!--content-->
A non-favorite solution could be to use frames. There are many reasons not to. It's not the best choice but it is moderately easy to set up and would do what you want. Personally I'd bite the bullet and get into the PHP includes though - they're not that hard and work a lot better.<!--content-->
Steve,<br /><br />The thought seems to be to use PHP, this will certainly do what you are asking.<br /><br />Have a look at some of the <a href="" target="_blank">PHP Tutorials</a>, then ask a few questions, there are plenty of folk here who will help you sort it out.<br /><br />Andy<!--content-->