Newbie seeks info


Staff member

I am a lowly web designer: solid with html, dhtml, css, javascript handcoding - have dreamweaver 4 and GoLive 5 but never use them. I have been asked by several real Estate clients to have their individual sites 'grab' data from the local proprietary Multiple Listing Service database and use the data to setup a searchable database of their company listings with a "branded" interface and delimited fields.

Here is my dilemna. I am a complete and utter newbie to asp, php, cfml, sql, etc. I know the source data was formatted using FileMaker 5.0 and that the MLS database uses ASP. How should I best tackle this project without a massive outlay for database applications and major learning-curve?

Can I access the MLS database (providing permissions are given) directly and just delimit the fields through some interface portal on a page in the client site on their server, or would I need to create a subset of the entire MLS database specific to each client and load this to the client's server?

What applications, languages, etc, would be best to use?

I would like at least a portion of the data to be stored locally as it may be necessary to optimize the graphics (property photos) better than the MLS database which has unnecessarily large graphic files.

I know web-design, but I'm being asked to very quickly (two weeks) learn all that is necessary to make application selections, language choices, etc., for several different clients. I know that GoLive and Dreamweaver both have capabilities to access data, but as far as I know, neither actually have means to create and manage a database.

I realize this may not be the best forum for this, but I thought I'd give it a shot . . .

Advanced appreciation for any and all help.
