Newbie Question - Importing data via XML into a Database


New Member
Hi All,

I'm new to XML and have a quick question which I hope someone may be able to help me with (I'm not after any code per se' - just a pointer in the right direction / the theory behind the process, would be fab :D )

What I need to do, it import some data FROM and external site, and insert it INTO my database (Access) using an XML feed and .asp

I've tried to get started with some tutorials off the web, and although I've found lots which explain about XML and how to use it to display data, (or how to display data coming FROM a database using XML), I've not managed to find any good articles on how to INSERT / IMPORT data INTO a database using an XML feed.

Ultimately I have 3 main questions:

1) How do I use XML / .asp to insert data into a database (I'll need to check if a record already exists, etc, but I guess I can do that in the normal way using .asp / VBscript)?

2) If there are miss-matches in data, how do I map these to one another?

For example - say I have a db field called "housecode" and the XML feed has an equivalent field which is called "code" - how do I get these to map to each other?

3) Finally, (and this may go hand in hand with question 2 above) how to I change / manipulate data types? For example: if "housecode" is a number field, and yet "code" is a text field, is there any way to manipulate "code" into the format I want?
