Newbie needs some help


<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> <br />
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Can anyone tell me if this is done with java or HTML code....when the page opens at this link, no toolbars, scrollbars, resize handles, etc. <br />
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Can anyone help me with this? I would like to create a page that opens like also with a defined size. <br />
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Is there a tutorial someone can point me towards or help me with the code? <br />
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Thanks<!--content-->The code is JavaScript, but this will agrivate your visitors--the above site, although seemingly well done in Flash frustrates me. I could not resize the window without closing it because it was in full screen.<br />
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Jona<!--content-->that's why I wanted to know how to do this. I work a lot with flash and some other applications but I am new to java/html. <br />
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I wanted to know how to do this for a site I am working on using flash. <br />
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I just wanted to know how to do this for the sole purpose of user based interaction and....well just to learn something new. I want to know how to do it without embeding it into flash.<!--content-->Okay. First of all get one thing straight. It is JavaScript and HTML, not Java and HTML. There is a difference. Now let's take a look at what we should have.<br />
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Let's say your Flash animation has a blue background and white text for the most part. The main homepage should have a blue background (same color of blue) and white text on it. Of course, the text will be an image instead of normal text. The image-text will be a link that opens a new window with the introduction Flash on it. The main page should also have a link for people to Download <!--more--> the Flashplayer if it is not already installed on their system--so provide a link for that as well. Now then, your image that opens the window with the Flash file will look like this:<br />
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<A HREF="#" onClick="'flash_presentation_file.htm','flash_presentation','width=500,height=500,scrollbars=no,m enubar=no,addressbar=no,status=no');"><IMG SRC="yourGraphic.GIF"></A><br />
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The above method of the window object is what is used to open a new window. The first parameter is the file to open, in this case it is an HTML file with a Flash file inside of it; however, you can open up a Flash file in the same way. The second parameter is the name of the window, you can name it whatever you want--it really doesn't matter because the person at the site won't ever see it. The third parameter is a range of possible things you can use to modify the looks of the window. It's quite self-explanatory.<br />
Jona<!--content-->hi Godzilla...<br />
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are you aware that the site you link to (and even your own site) are not x-browser compatable?<br />
OR (if I am wrong about that) it fails to pass default security settings?<br />
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I love flash sites...<br />
but the one you link to does not load in Moz1.4, Netscape7, IE5.0, or <br />
$Opera6.02<br />
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plus... your site is not fully functional either.<br />
(although it does load, at least)<br />
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there is a big difference between Flash and Trash. <br />
Be cautious as to which sites you wish to emulate.<br />
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fan of Flash... (but it's gotta dance the dance :) ) ...<br />
;) k<!--content-->thanx jona...<br />
yes, i know the difference...just bad short-hand ( only have use of one hand; bad accident only permitting me to use one hand - the other has severed tendons in it adn not functioning right now) <br />
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khaki- <br />
you lost me<br />
what do you mean by x-compatible and what not? as far as my site goes...i was only concerned with it being compatible w/ IE and Netscape; what do you mean by security settings? <br />
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I was not so much concerned with the site I linked to for my example...just a reference. <br />
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any advice to help me out with things you were talking about (so I can dance the dance and not produce trash)? <br />
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as far as I had known, my site worked okay on both mac and pc platforms with the latest versions of IE & Netscape....<br />
just trying to learn some new things (I am newbie to publishing web pages)<!--content-->Haha. Ok, here's a little rant from my own site.<br />
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"Web Design Pet Peeve <br />
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Anybody who designs a web site with a basic intro page, has a link to "enter the site," and then uses a pop up window so they can create a little window filled with Flash should be taken out back and severely beaten. Repeatedly. I am amazed at how much this is becoming a trend to do. What happens if somebody has JavaScript disabled, which 10% of the net does. Do you make a regular site for the the non-JavaScript people too? Simply asinine. You basically end up making two web sites when you only needed to make one, and you just made me have another pop up window. Grrr."<br />
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Um, yeah. I'm not a fan of the style you did your own site in. ;) Let's not even talk about that other site. *shivers* As said in my rant, what happens to somedody that doesn't have JavaScript enabled? Your pop up window has a width of 900. One of the two most popular resolutions is 800X600 which means your window is too big for that resilution. Also note pop up windows are so annoying that some browsers are finding ways to allow the user to block them. <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> is a Flash heavy site I like to go to and I have no real issues with in terms of design. The window is small enough for smaller resolutions and it's all contained within the page itself and not giving me unneeded pop ups.<!--content-->Most of the time I use a server-side language to test and see if Javascript is enabled--then set a cookie to read from. Saves me a lot of hustle and bustle. ;)<br />
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Jona<!--content-->Well what you could do is use a slow computer, open the link, and, as the page is loading right click and press v (in windows) as fast as you can. Or look in your temporary internet files.<!--content-->