Newbie needs help with printing issue


Staff member
I'm very new in the Web developement area, mainly working with Dreamweaver and trying to understand VisualStudio. I managed to put some websites together and also had my first success with accessing SQL.<br />
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I would like to accomplish something where I can't find any documentation or books. I would like to put a print button on a page (that's the easy part). <br />
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Now comes the part where I don't have a clue: When the user clicks on this button a hidden page should call the Windows Print UI and be printed. I would like this page to be pre-formatted as "printer-friendly" (whatever that means...can it be a word document?). The page will always be the same, except I need to grab 2 variables for images on the page that has the print button and place them into place holders on the page that needs to be printed.<br />
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I have no clue how to go about this and would appreciate any help that could get me going....books, sample code... anything. <br />
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Thanks<br />
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Claus<!--content-->David,<br />
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Thanks for the answer. I do understand your first suggestion which I believe can be hooked onto an image. But where do I put the reference to the document in your button example?<br />
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Also, do you know of any good books or "How to" on line that will teach me to construct a "printer friendly" document that will accept variables on the fly?<br />
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Given that I work quite a bit with VB I think I can extract the needed knowledge from sample scripts as well.<br />
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Any help that gets this newbie started would be very much appreciated.<br />
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