I am a newbie to php and mySQL. I have a client that has a pre-owned vehicle list and wants the viewers of the site to be able to search for a car using specific parameters (i.e. car color, make, model, year etc.) The more parameters the narrower the search. Less parameters would pull up more cars, etc. There would even be a "search through our entire lot" capability if the customer doesn't know what they want. Also when the viewer finds a car that matches the search, a table should appear with the list of the car or cars that have come up. If the customer doesn't find a car in the parameters they chose, they can fill in their name and email address and the parameters would be sent to the client so they can do a more extensive search.
I would like the table on the web page to contain a thumbnail of the car's pic, make-model-year, description, mileage, and price catagories. The make-model-year catagory of the table would be a link to a "more details page" where the customer can read all about the car (i.e. options the car has, the VIN number and more). I would also like to put links next to the "Vehicle Info" (make-model-year) that would sort the names alphabetically (a-z & z-a). Next to the car mileage (greater miles and less miles). Next to the price (cheaper-more expensive and more-expensive-cheaper).
I know that to make this happen i am going to need mysql and php. But i am not 100% sure where to go from there. Is there anyone out there that can inspire me to go into the right direction from here? Maybe collaborate with me? I feel like i am over my head and I don't have a huge budget for this but i am willing to work something out with anyone that has experience making such a database.
Thanks in advance,
I am a newbie to php and mySQL. I have a client that has a pre-owned vehicle list and wants the viewers of the site to be able to search for a car using specific parameters (i.e. car color, make, model, year etc.) The more parameters the narrower the search. Less parameters would pull up more cars, etc. There would even be a "search through our entire lot" capability if the customer doesn't know what they want. Also when the viewer finds a car that matches the search, a table should appear with the list of the car or cars that have come up. If the customer doesn't find a car in the parameters they chose, they can fill in their name and email address and the parameters would be sent to the client so they can do a more extensive search.
I would like the table on the web page to contain a thumbnail of the car's pic, make-model-year, description, mileage, and price catagories. The make-model-year catagory of the table would be a link to a "more details page" where the customer can read all about the car (i.e. options the car has, the VIN number and more). I would also like to put links next to the "Vehicle Info" (make-model-year) that would sort the names alphabetically (a-z & z-a). Next to the car mileage (greater miles and less miles). Next to the price (cheaper-more expensive and more-expensive-cheaper).
I know that to make this happen i am going to need mysql and php. But i am not 100% sure where to go from there. Is there anyone out there that can inspire me to go into the right direction from here? Maybe collaborate with me? I feel like i am over my head and I don't have a huge budget for this but i am willing to work something out with anyone that has experience making such a database.
Thanks in advance,