I am hoping someone might be able to help me. My website is using frames and the visitor counter i have is shown below:
<!-- Begin Sparklit Counter Code -->
jsurl = "http://counter.sparklit.com/counter_js.spark";
document.write("<SCRIPT LANGUAGE=\"JavaScript\" ");
document.write(" src=http://www.webdeveloper.com/forum/archive/index.php/\""+ jsurl + "?ID=151759");
document.writeln("&c=" + Math.random()*10000 + "\">\n<\/SCRIPT>");
<!-- End Sparklit Counter Code -->
My problem is that the link opens within the "links" frame and I need it to open in a new window. I know nothing about javascript so could someone please help me?
Thanks so much
<!-- Begin Sparklit Counter Code -->
jsurl = "http://counter.sparklit.com/counter_js.spark";
document.write("<SCRIPT LANGUAGE=\"JavaScript\" ");
document.write(" src=http://www.webdeveloper.com/forum/archive/index.php/\""+ jsurl + "?ID=151759");
document.writeln("&c=" + Math.random()*10000 + "\">\n<\/SCRIPT>");
<!-- End Sparklit Counter Code -->
My problem is that the link opens within the "links" frame and I need it to open in a new window. I know nothing about javascript so could someone please help me?
Thanks so much