Newbie Error & Form question


My first question is probably easy to answer, but it's driving me nuts. The funny thing is, I've been doing amateur web for some time now and this one has me baffled.<br />
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I recently created a bunch of pages using CoffeeCup 9.2. Now, every page tells me Line 2 Char 1, Syntax error. But Line 2 is <HTML>! lol... It gets weirder- if you refresh the screen, the error goes away. See link (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->). What'd I do or not do? Here's something even weirder: this problem is consistent on at least 5 different machines. Yet when I click on the link in this post, I don't get an error. Yet if I type in the same URL, I get the error. !!?!?!<br />
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My second question is this: on the page mentioned above, I'd like to set my form to require the "EMAIL" field only if someone chooses the YES radio button under "REPLY." Does that make sense? I'm using nms formmail.cgi.<br />
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Thanks,<!--content-->generally if you get an error like that it is in the javascript. so it will be in window.js that you have.<br />
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and I am not familiar enough with javascript to get your second question. but you will have to get a function to check for the radio button and if it is pressed you require the email.<!--content-->Hey, thanks... The JS code I was using was years old and linked to a diff. location, so I didn't suspect it at all. Turns out it had some funky characters in it, maybe a bad FTP or something.<br />
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On my second question, I think I'll just turn it into a separate post.<br />
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Thanks again.<!--content-->