Newbie Designer. Netscape problem!


Hi there,<br />
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My first post, so excuse me if this questions been asked a million times, but I have created a site which (i think) looks great in Explorer, but I've been told when someone uses Netscape the images are all broken :o(<br />
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The site is located here: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><br />
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Is there something obvious that I'm missing?<br />
Any help would be very much appreciated.<br />
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Cheers,<br />
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Wayne Whatford<br />
Melbourne, Australia.<!--content-->Sorry, I can't answer your question but I just had to make a couple of comments about your site.<br />
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First of all get rid of the initial page where you have to press the button to enter the site. It's one of those things that was once quite fashionable, but designers soon realised that all it does is irritate the user. People like to be able to access the bits of the site that they're interested in as quickly as possible, and by putting this page in it just adds to the time it takes to get to the interesting bit.<br />
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Secondly, the overall look of the site is quite nice but some of the layout could do with some work - there are big white spaces where there needn't be.<br />
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HTH<br />
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(No doubt Jason will tell me off for this post, I know it wasn't posted in the overall review box!) :)<!--content-->Thanks Goldilocks.<br />
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Yeh, I know it's not perfect. It's a work in progress so your tips are appreciated.<br />
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I designed the graphics like the logo, buttons etc.. and of course the idea for the business was my idea, but I'm no HTML wiz. I can make things <b>bold</b> but that's about it. hehe.<br />
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Hopefully someone can answer this Netscape thing.<br />
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Cheers,<br />
<br />
Wayne.<!--content-->Hi, Netscape and some other browsers do not like spaces in the url path. Your image url is:<br />
<br />
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> - Home -_files/985835876226.gif<br />
rename your directory and remove the spaces before and after Home, and after au and they will work for you.<!--content-->The tags for bold is " &#91b&#93 " & " &#91/b&#93 "<!--content-->Great! Thanks guys.<br />
Nothing can stop me now. Bahaaahaa.<br />
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Many thanks.<br />
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Wayne.<!--content-->Originally posted by whkoh <br />
The tags for bold is " &#91b&#93 " & " &#91/b&#93 " <br />
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Wayne was referring to writing bold in html, not bold on this forum.<br />
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Glad we solved your problem Wayne, drop by again sometime. :)<!--content-->