newbie Cakephp issue!


New Member
I am a cakephp newbie and I had trouble to view the files under the view folder through browser.I used cakephp console to bake model, controller and views. (ex: Invoices_controller.php for controller, invoice.php for model and a invoices folders under views folder). According to the tutorial I read, I can access the invoice view by typing http://localhost/myProject/invoices(there is no index.php inside the invoices folder..but the tutorial shows it still can display a page. no idea how they did it)The path for my invoices is myProject/views/invoices..and there add.ctp, index.ctp, edit.ctp files inside the invoices folder...The browser showed the file is not found when i typed http://localhost/myProject/invoices......I have no idea how to solve this problem...Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks