New Windows


Staff member
Hello all. I'm struggling with frames, objects and new windows.<br />
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I'm running a plugin inside of a frame which works fine. My goal is to be able to click a link inside this frame and pop up a new window with data in it. Everything is working fine, but when I click the link, my main frame contents get cleared. The idea is to be able to view the frame contents and the new window (with data) at the same time....Help!!!<br />
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Thanks in advance,<br />
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jgray<!--content-->Please post your URL so we can view your source and recommend options for you.<br />
Thanks Jgray.<!--content-->I've been running everything locally with PWS. I can post something later today or tomorrow. Problem is you'll need the plug-in. You can get it at <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->, then follow the Whip! link on my page. That's a pain I know, if you'd like I can post that for Download <!--more--> from my site.<br />
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Thanks...Jgray<!--content-->Have you tried using the "magic" attributes:<br />
<br />
<a href= "target=_blank"><br />
<br />
or<br />
<br />
<a href= "target=_top"><br />
<br />
Regards,<br />
Kevin<!--content-->Yes I have tried those, and directly in the URL string. The link looks like this:<br />
<br />
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><br />
<br />
Which does generate a new window without clearing the frame. The problem here is that I have no control over size/appearance of the new window. <br />
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This leads to another question. Is there a way to define new windows in advance? define them in the URL string? default settings?<br />
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Thanks, Jgray<!--content-->Can't you just use:<br />
<br />
<a href= blah target="_blank" width="300" height="400"><br />
<br />
I thought you could, but it could be the wine talking!!<!--content-->Originally posted by Jgray <br />
This leads to another question. Is there a way to define new windows in advance? define them in the URL string? default settings?<br />
Not sure what you mean by define, but here are all the attributes:<br />
<br />
<br />
alwaysLowered=[yes|no|1|0] (Navigator 4.0 only)Specifies whether to create a new window that floats below other windows, whether it is active or not. This is a secure feature and must be set in signed scripts.<br />
alwaysRaised=[yes|no|1|0] (Navigator 4.0 only)Specifies whether to create a new window that floats on top of other windows, whether it is active or not. This is a secure feature and must be set in signed scripts<br />
channelmode=[yes|no|1|0] (Internet Explorer 4.0 only)Specifies whether to display the window in theater mode and show the channel band.<br />
dependent=[yes|no|1|0] (Navigator 4.0 only)Specifies whether to create a new window as a child of the current window. A dependent window closes when its parent window closes. On Windows platforms, a dependent window does not show on the task bar. It also has a narrow title bar, and a smaller "x" button to close the dependent window.<br />
directories=[yes|no|1|0]Specifies whether to create the standard browser directory buttons. In some browsers the directory buttons can be customized by the user.<br />
fullscreen=[yes|no|1|0] (Internet Explorer 4.0 only)Specifies whether to display the browser in a full-screen or normal window. Use Alt+F4 to close the window.<br />
height=numberSpecifies the height of the window in pixels. The minimum value should be 100.<br />
hotkeys=[yes|no|1|0] (Navigator 4.0 only)Specifies whether to enable most hotkeys in a new window that has no menu bar. The security and quit hotkeys remain enabled in any case.<br />
innerHeight=number (Navigator 4.0 only)Specifies the height, in pixels, of the window's content area. A signed script is required to create a window smaller than 100 x 100 pixels. This feature replaces height, which remains for backwards compatibility.<br />
innerWidth=number (Navigator 4.0 only)Specifies the width, in pixels, of the window's content area. A signed script is required to create a window smaller than 100 x 100 pixels. This feature replaces width, which remains for backwards compatibility.<br />
location=[yes|no|1|0]Specifies whether to display the Location field, the input field for entering URLs directly into the browser.<br />
menubar=[yes|no|1|0]Specifies whether to create the menu at the top of the window. In Internet Explorer, this feature is yes by default. A menu normally consists of a "File" option, an "Edit" option, and other browser-specific options.<br />
outerHeight=number (Navigator 4.0 only)Specifies the vertical dimension, in pixels, of the outside boundary of the window. A signed script is required to create a window smaller than 100 x 100 pixels.<br />
outerWidth=number (Navigator 4.0 only)Specifies the horizontal dimension, in pixels, of the outside boundary of the window. A signed script is required to create a window smaller than 100 x 100 pixels.<br />
resizable=[yes|no|1|0]Specifies whether to display resize handles at the corners of the window, which enable the user to resize the window. If this feature is not turned on explicitly, the user cannot resize the new window.<br />
screenX=number (Navigator 4.0) left=number (Internet Explorer 4.0)Specifies the distance the new window is placed from the left side of the screen. In Navigator, to place a window offscreen, set this feature in a signed scripts.<br />
screenY=number (Navigator 4.0) top=number (Internet Explorer 4.0)Specifies the distance the new window is placed from the top of the screen. In Navigator, to place a window offscreen, set this feature in a signed scripts.<br />
scrollbars=[yes|no|1|0]<br />
Specifies whether to display horizontal and vertical scroll bars, when the content exceeds the dimensions of the window. This feature is yes by default.<br />
status=[yes|no|1|0]Specifies whether to create a status bar at the bottom of the window. In Internet Explorer, this feature is yes by default.<br />
titlebar=[yes|no|1|0] (Navigator 4.0 only)Specifies whether to create a window with a title bar at the top. This feature is yes by default, but can be set to no in a signed script.<br />
toolbar=[yes|no|1|0]Specifies whether to display the browser toolbar, with buttons such as Back and Forward.<br />
z-lock=[yes|no|1|0] (Navigator 4.0 only)Specifies whether to create a new window that does not rise above other windows when activated. This is a secure feature and must be set in signed scripts.<br />
width=numberSpecifies the width of the window in pixels. The minimum value should be 100.<!--content-->Originally posted by Jgray <br />
<br />
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><br />
<br />
Thanks, Jgray <br />
<br />
Does that really work? I would think if included in the string in would be interpreted as a name/value pair.<br />
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Kevin<!--content-->Exactly Kevin, since the "?" starts the name/ value pairs. I saw that in another thread where the person was trying to open a new window using asp. <br />
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The deal is not to confuse ASP commands with regular old HTML and javascript. <br />
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I would expect the link to look more like this:<br />
<br />
<a href="nextPage.asp?name=Kevin" target="_blank">Click here!</a><!--content-->Yes it really works. <br />
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But remember, this URL string is coming from an embedded object that uses a plugin (whip!). The target=_blank (or window_name, _top, etc.) is an option using this plugin.<br />
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I'm going to attach the plugin here. You may not be too keen on installing it, but I will also attach a sample file that you can view with it. It may clear things up a bit.<br />
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I really appreciate the help, and if this is too much I understand and appreciate all the help/suggestions so far,<br />
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Jgray<!--content-->Ok, just read the attachment limitations, sorry. Possibly I can e-mail it? its 3.5 mg, the dwg size will be 35k or something.<!--content-->