new window


I have a search program written in javascript which pops up a new window which contains the search results. If that window is left open and I search again either a) the window does not pop up so its on top or b) the new search results do not appear on the window and it doesn't pop up. Is there any way to pop up each set of search results in an entirely new window. I can post the code if you like.<br />
IxxI<!--content-->You need to name each window differently to have it open multiple windows. To get the window to come back up, use winName.focus();. You should post the code.<!--content-->Here's the code. The point is that every time you search it looks at the keywords and then posts the results in this window. I can't name each window differently because the code only calls one window. Where would I use winName.focus() in this code? <br />
I know I only need to open one window but is there an easy way to open a new window for each set of results. Unless I count the number of times its searched and then open a different window for each time. But that would be time-consuming wouldn't it?<br />
<br />
config='toolbar=yes,location=yes,directories=yes,status=yes,menubar=yes,' <br />
config += 'scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes' <br />
<br />
output = ("","outputwindow",config) <br />
output.document.write('<title> Search Results </title>');<br />
output.document.write('<BODY bgcolor=#000000 text=#ffffff link=#990099 vlink =#339966 >');<!--content-->