new user registration


New Member
how can i restrics some characters in new member registration
so new members if have on the character to cant register

characters like | ~ @ # % $ ^ & *
byt not all only what i set

or if there isnt its ok to all of them

only to can register with a-z A-Z and 0-9
there is option

Illegal User Names
Enter names in here that you do not want people to be able to register.

If any of the names here are included within the username, the user will told that there is an error. For example, if you make the name John illegal, the name Johnathan will also be disallowed.

Separate names by spaces.

but that isnt what im looking for

i only want users cant put some character in username

for example if the username is delir|um to cant put | in username
i have some problem with vbceo in the name delir|um when i click on the name it go to