New User can't post Url


New Member
Running VB 3.8.1
I am having problem with spammers. I blocked their IP but they use other thing to spam. Here is only one way to stop spamming and that is a hack (This hack stop new user to post url)
does anyone have this hack?
if yes please share with me

I moderate new users so they cant make posts until i accept their registration.
I recieve email saying new member is signed up with their ip address, i check there ip in google, if its spam I delete the account and add their ip to ban list. :)

Dont know if this is the way you want to do it but i now get zero spam
this is very difficult to check each registration IP. if New User can't post Url Until their post count .. Spam will automatically reduce.
Use reCAPTCHA + Email Verification Option...
2 times Safe ;) I am using reCAPTCHA only, and i am having NO spam whatsoever ;)