New to prograsmming


New Member
Hey guys,

I am so green at this side of programming you have no idea. I have always been a good graphics and multimedia designer but now i need to learn skills to develop database and dynamic based sites.

What I am really here to ask is what is what do i need to do to set up a basic site with a database back end. My goal is to set up a basic database and have some sort of scripting language pull the information out of it and put it web based.

I know i should never put the database online for security reasons and i know PHP is a great language and is free. So PHP is a scripting language I use to pull information out of a database right? Now does XML act as a database that I store information in? I know i sound semi-retarded to you guys but i honestly dont know. Also what software should I get to program in PHP? Obviously free is best because I am just learning, maybe trail versions?

Any help on this subject would be great.