New to Forum - Frames Help


Hi all,<br />
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I just discovered this forum today. I am fluent in HTML and ASP but need help with frames.<br />
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Ive designed a website which needs to access a third party site but have to put it in a frame so that the branding is still in the first party context. There are several pages to the 3rd party site, which are all accessed by the links in the 3rd party frame.<br />
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What I need to know is, has anyone had trouble with the way Internet Explorer 4 deals with the content in the frame? <br />
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In IE5.5 and IE6, when you click the back button, it goes back to the previous page in the frame, but when you click back in IE4, then it goes back to the beginning page when it was accessed by the first party site.<br />
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Has anyone ever encountered this problem? I cant rule out IE4 as a lot of our users still use it otherwise I would have.<br />
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Thanks for the help in advance!<br />
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Regards,<br />
Ray Liu<!--content-->That is excactly what is happening. This is browser specific. MSIE did change this in later updates (IE5++)<!--content-->