New software site. Submit your software!


A new software site has just arrived in town...

The SD software archive is a dynamic and user-friendly software repository listing Windows, Linux, Macintosh and PalmOS software. Once your account is set up (it only takes a few minutes), you will be able to submit your program and have it appear in the archive in real-time rather than waiting days or even weeks for it to be approved. Users can also manage their software submissions (update, edit, delete, etc) and have the results appear immediately. There are a number of different software categories to choose from and script submissions such as ASP, Perl and PHP are also welcome. With SD Software, you always have complete control over submissions, management and customization of your account 24/7 and there is never a fee for listing your software like some other software sites charge.

Additionally, once you register, you will instantly have access to an array of other features including forums, polls, links, private messages and news. Registered users can also have thier own avatars and create a personal profile with information about themselves that other's can view as well as the ability to completely customize thier account.

Come visit us! ----> <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->

Have a question? ----> <!-- e --><a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a><!-- e -->