New Site Layout


I am trying to build a new site layout to update my site.<br />
I need to format it around the same content as what i have all ready got, as this site was my first go i find it ugly <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><br />
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Have you any sugggestions.<br />
Thanks<!--content-->there are so many ways to present a site to the public<br />
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my rules to building my sites are<br />
1. easy to navigate<br />
2. design your layout to describe your site<br />
3. informative and good content<br />
4. simplicity<!--content-->One recomendation:<br />
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Loose the background or at least fade it out. Reading the text is, what shall I say, disturbing on the eyes!<!--content-->Why are you using frames? Not that you can't, I'm just wondering. <br />
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Why is there JavaScript code outside of the HTML tags?<br />
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Even using your site as a template here's what I would do.<br />
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Drop the plane animated gif.<br />
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Decide if you really want the earth animated gifs, or not. I tend to be very light on total number of images and you have 12. For us 56K users it means slower load times. Let's say you keep the earth images, put them at the very top of your page.<br />
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Get rid of "This Page URL Is: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->"<br />
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Cut down the size of your welcome image. The banner gifs I make aren't even half that size. Raise the welcome image so it lines up with the animated earth images at the top.<br />
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Decide if you want to your menu links to be vertical, or horizontal. If you want it horizontal, place your menu links just below your welcome image. If it's vertical, place it to the side on the left, or right.<br />
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On the right, or left, raise up your your search, and weather features.<br />
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This should allow you to raise up your content a bunch. Right now I have to scroll down to the bottom half of your page and that's at 1400X1280. At 800X600 it's even worse.<br />
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Here's (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->) a website I just did for a friend, and it a good example of having the menu bar below your banner image.<!--content-->Thanks everyone, what you say makes sense Spuffi you where very thourough.<br />
I am begining to plan a new site with less animated gif's and trying to make it more simplistic.<br />
a very simple layout you did for Laura/<br />
That is what i am looking for.<br />
I will use everyone's ideas and see if I can come up with a new layout.<br />
Thanks again everyone.<!--content-->the best of luck to you<!--content-->