New site, has hard times getting Google to update the index


New Member
New site, has hard times getting Google to update the indexHi, I have been struggling with this for couple of weeks now. I have bought a domain name,, which I plan to convert to a popular classifieds forum. I bought it in September 2006. It had (has) PR of 4. I thought it was a good deal. Except, I just can't get Google and MSN to reindex this site and show new pages of my site. It still (two months later!) shows the old 66 pages from the old site. The information of the old site is totally unrelated to this new one. By the way, Yahoo shows the new pages already.Last month I created Google sitemap for MarketGround. When I log into the sitemap account, it says last crawl was on August 19th! And nothing since then! Yet when I look at logs, I can see googlebot there everyday. Could you please tell me whats wrong? I waited for a month patiently. And now I am starting to get very worried. Thank you very much!First of all you have said that google has last crawled your site on August 19th,,,so much time ? are you sure.Then you should check the LPC of your website, crawling a sitemap doesn't mean that your website will definatly come on a first for a particular websiteIdeally you should check whether all keywords metatags has been generated or not.robot.txt file has been created or notRegardsPuneet ThakkarPuneet Thakkar wrote: