New need help


I have web site that I would like to be able to update scores on that web site using a form. Can anyone please help me or give me a site that might be able to help me.<!--content-->It sounds like you'll be needing a language that can change your web site from the inside. You won't be able to use HTML or any of the lower level langauges.<br />
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You'll need to use something more advanced.<!--content-->Do you know of any language that I will be able to use and do this?<!--content-->Originally posted by Draike <br />
It sounds like you'll be needing a language that can change your web site from the inside. You won't be able to use HTML or any of the lower level langauges.<br />
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You'll need to use something more advanced. A server side language will be needed to not "update the website from the inside", but update a data base, this same technology will read from this data base and dynamically create markup for your site.<br />
ASP ASP.NET PHP CGI JSP CF will all do the job. Data base solutions include MsSql, Msde, MySql, oracle, access, fox pro, and xml. You cannot simply just write some code for this stuff then upload it, you need to be on a server that supports it. What is your past scripting experience, do you know and vb, c++, or java? Also who is your host. I am going to try and help you find the solution that is best for you out of the technologies I listed above.<!--content-->