new member and new question


Hey, I just wanted it t be known that I am a new member here. Also I have a question that has been bugging me for days. What is this .shtml junk and how can it be used? (A link to website that decribes it would be good too, lol)<!--content-->Hi.<br />
As far as I understand it, SHTML stands for "Server-parsed HTML".<br />
It allows *server-specific* (possibly non-standard?) commands to be sent to (say) your company's server. That server then "interprets" the shtml file commands, manipulates them, then sends a "standard" HTML file back to your browser.<br />
We use them in some parts of our website, but as I'm not involved with that, I don't know exactly what for. They do seem to be used for updating content in an interactive manner so that, for example, what you see this week may be a newer version of what you saw last week - you will always see the newest 10 company memoes on a specific page, with older memoes having been shuffled to a different page.<br />
I hope that makes sense. I'd be interested in the answer too.<!--content-->Hi again.<br />
Further explanation...<br />
1. ".shtml is usually named that way to parse SSI (Server Side Include) calls. This allows you to have, say, a header/footer/navigation bar stored in one file, allowing you to change an aspect of your layout site-wide by altering only one file."<br />
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2. "Telling Apache to Use SSI<br />
By default, the server does not bother looking in HTML files for the SSI commands. This would slow down every access to a HTML file. To use SSI you need to tell Apache which documents contain the SSI commands.<br />
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One way to do this is to use a special file extension. .shtml is often used, and this can be configured with this directive:<br />
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AddHandler server-parsed .shtml<br />
AddType text/html shtml<br />
The AddHandler directive tells Apache to treat every .shtml file as one that can include SSI commands. The AddType directive makes such that the resulting content is marked as HTML so that the browser displays it properly."<br />
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3. "Enabling SSI<br />
If your server is already SSI enabled, all that needs to be done to call SSI to life from any web page is to give the web page a file name extension of .shtml instead of the usual .html. This will cause the SSI enabled server to scour the web page looking for comments that are, in fact, commands which tell the server to perform certain tasks before it allows the web page to be displayed. This process of prescouring (if that's a word) the page is known as parsing. Check with your server administrator to see if it is SSI enabled if it's not, consider changing to another host or ISP"<br />
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Ciao.<!--content-->Ok, I think I am starting to understand. Thanks!<!--content-->Go here:<br />
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<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><!--content-->Hi and welcome CaigeColon!<!--content-->