New keywords


New Member
Hi there,

It is necessary to put researched based keywords to website contents but is it necessary to change the keywords within every 3/4 months? is this sort of a experimentation or you are going to this in a regular basis?? coz if you are going to do it on your targeted kws that you want to rank then its not gonna work.. Then it is going to work? how can i rank higher for my website? I really do not think you should change keywords every 3-4 month. You can add new ones but do not take away the old.. What you should change often is content
Taking away the old keywords will hurt your rankings a little for those keywords. Maybe add a few new ones to the original ones but don't keep removing keywords every few month's.

To rank better for your keywords, continue to build backlinks with quality articles targeting your sites keywords. As per view of point that if you will change the keywords from your website then it will 100% effect on ranking, instead of doing changes in Keywords. Go with some other update in your website just like change the H1, Anchor text etc for crawling of search engine. In my opinion you should not remove your old keywords as it will affect your site ranking,you can change your old keywords or add some new keywords.I think it is better . its a good thing that there are some keywords tools out there that can enable you to monitor if a certain keyword is still receiving good traffic or if it no longer that popular to people... you can use this tools to decide on which keywords to replace and which ones to promote more or to add..