New HTML Validator

Just letting everyone that doesn't know that there is a new validator in beta for validating your pages: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><!--content-->Thanks :)<!--content-->No problem. I don't really know what the difference is, but I got the idea that it checks for the way you're using markup, but that sounds a bit complicated, so I think I may have it wrong :D<!--content-->The imediate differences is that both URL and file upload are avalable on the same page.<br />
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Also "advanced option" are only available on the "Extended Interface" page (presumably to cause less confuion among beginners of what they have to do to validate their pages).<br />
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Also there is a new option called "Validate error pages".<br />
Not sure what it's supposed to do though :D<!--content-->Oh right, I didn't notice the extended interface thing! Maybe I should actually read the page, rather than just entering a URI? ;)<!--content-->