:: NEW HTML Layout ::


Check it out... it has 14 frames to keep everything in line!<br />
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<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://speedcafe.com">http://speedcafe.com</a><!-- m --><!--content-->I think that 14 frames for 1 page is overkill. Its just not really practical. There is an active thread in 'overall review' for this same webpage. Your welcome to check your results there.<!--content-->Perhaps that was overkill...what if some guy with Lynx wants to view your page?<!--content-->Thanks for your replys. If you have ever tried to make a site like this, you would know it takes a lot of frames to keep everything in line with different screen resolutions. If you havent ever tried, I suggest you do. Its very difficult! Besides, frames are an excellent way to reduce loading time... would you rather use an image, or a frame with a colored background?!? Anyways, 95% of people use some sort of internet service with IE 4.x or higher... and it looks fine in Netscape, which is the other 4%... I don't think you can wine too much! Thanks...<!--content-->Jake, the site looks good, however it took over two minutes for me to Download <!--more--> it. I do not have a top end modem, but the chances are that people will click away rather than wait.<!--content-->Jake,<br />
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Kudos to you for making a page that works in both browsers, at different resoultions. However, I have used frames on many occaisons, and for more than just displaying static text. Many people have properly displayed their pages cross browser, and different resolution without going to an extreme of 14 frames.<!--content-->Actually, I believe the % of people using 4+ version browsers is somwhere around 88%, maybe even lower.<!--content-->I'm using Internet Explorer 5.0, 56k modem, cable connection.<br />
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It took over a minute for anything to appear on the page and then about another minute for it to finish Download <!--more-->ing. Clicked on one of the subjects and it took the same amount of time to bring it up as well. <br />
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Your site looks great, but you would have lost me before it even came up. If a site takes too long to Download <!--more-->, I usually don't wait around. I have found most of the time when a site doesn't show up right away it usually because "the page cannot be found", so I dont' wait around to see.<!--content-->Let's see the ping stats on my cable connection:<br />
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Packets Sent = 10, Received = 10, Average = 274ms<br />
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Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:<br />
Minimum = 237ms, Maximum = 343ms, Average = 274ms<!--content-->yeah, sorry about the loading time... my client already had it setup at "1dollarhosting.com" and he didn't want to pay a penny more! And BTW... I counted a total of 15 frames for it... I don't see the problem with it, it works fine in both browsers, and it loads faster than having a bunch of .gif backgrounds loading up...<!--content-->I like your site, and I didn't have any problems loading it. It came right up for me, and I'm only using a 56K. No cable or anything higher. <br />
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I never thought of using frames like that before. Usually I just use them to put the menu on the side to make the main pages load faster. I may have to consider this new way of thinking for future sites. <br />
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Nice job!<!--content-->