New Here and have a question

Hi all, I am posting this because I have a problem with HTML. On my site I followed your tips to try to make people have the option of clicking to make my site their homepage. When I looked at my site after I had saved it the button was there displaying the right words and I thought all was well and ready to thank the lord but then I tried clicking on the button and nothing happened. Here's a link to my site here: I'm hoping it's something wrong with my browser although when I clicked to make html goodies my home page that worked. Any ideas on what I may be doing wrong :)<!--content-->A couple of things:<br />
<br />
1. You don't have spaces after your attribute values<br />
2. You missed a single quote mark to encase the site URI:<br />
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<input TYPE="button" VALUE="Make This Page Your Home Page" onClick="'url(#default#homepage)';this.setHomePage('');"><!--content-->You forgot a single quote (') before your homepage in the code.:)<!--content-->