What ever next lolololOn the 6th of May Philipp Lenssen of Google Blogoscoped started an experiment. He added a false parameter and keyword to a link to a high PR site to see if the site would appear for the key phrase. His test was....http://www.webproworld.com/viewtopic.php?p=103513Read all about it !suzie.i was aware of ti before take a look http://www.google.com/search?as_q=link% ... itesearch= results ;you may see some manipulated pages as http://www.cdesystems.com/topsites/topsites.asp?ID=218 as backlink result altough they are same pages.dolay, lets hope the rest don't know lololol, thankyou for your links.I was looking for new items when that arrived in my inbox , so i posted it lolsuzie.i mean i was aware this kind of tricks as deafult on google, it is not same but similar manipulating option!+ i have thinked to the samething within the site dir pages which were have already pr4 , i could manipulate by this way and could record google as much as pr4 backlink that i want however i was afraid to do that . God thanks i dont do it.lol it sounds very complicated and something i would'nt even try lmaoooo i just bring em to ozzu... suzie. Thanks for the link website.com/page.asp?id=15 andwebsite.com/page.asp?id=10 are different pages. They can have different PRs, even though the actual visible pages are the same (making it similar to duplicate page). PR will depends on how many links are coming to each of those pages.Sounds more like a google dart anything changed to this bombing? any updates on that?personally, i wouldn't touch this if I were you. It's only a matter of timebefore google picks up on it.But there's another issue here. What can this actually do?The only way this can help you that I can think of is if you already have ahigh PR, and you want to rank higher for a different searchslow and dumb here...but bombing has to do w/ increasing your ranking in returned quries by search engines?google bombing would require an already high PR (i'd say at least 5) to be of any use."personally, i wouldn't touch this if I were you. It's only a matter of time before google picks up on it. "right on rjstephens...I tried this on a page and that page is now gone from the serps...the new page doesn't rank very well and all the pr from the old page has been lost....good thing it was only one page The new dupe filter will pick this up because it's essentially the same page and even though the old page has been around for years it was the one that got dropped in favor of the new page."google bombing would require an already high PR (i'd say at least 5) to be of any use." Depends on the term your going for....some that are not very competitive can be had with just a few links using the phrease in the anchor text..I didn't understand changing the ? to a #Can anyone explain this to me?Does anyone here belong to a Google bombing club yet?PM me if you are interested and I will get back to you with more details.