New Browser Window


<A HREF="test.html">Test</A> <br />
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ok all know that when clicking the word "Test" on the page will go to test.html link.<br />
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Now my (beginners) question was:<br />
* How can I make it open into a new browser window?<br />
* How can I than with that (above question) code, make the newly opened browser window, automaximize?<br />
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Told ya I was newbie on HTML.<br />
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Waiting for your early reply,<br />
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thanks!<!--content-->look here for the answer<br />
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<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... adid=10323</a><!-- m --><!--content--><A HREF="Test1a.html"<br />
ONCLICK="open('Test1b.html','miniwin','toolbar=1,location=1,directories=1,status=1,menubar=1,scrollbars=1,res izable=1,width=800,height=600')">Open a Window</A><br />
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All fun and candy, but isn't there just a smaller and easier HTML code for opening in a new browser? Or do those miniwin, toolbar, location and so on need to be always included? Than of course I'm not talking about maximizing anymore and not like the person in the other topic, desactivating menu and toolbars.<!--content-->well you can use this<br />
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<A HREF="Test1a.html" <br />
ONCLICK="open('Test1b.html','miniwin','widt<br />
h=800,height=600')">Open a Window</A> <br />
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it should open a new browser window with all the goodies.<!--content-->