The search engine Google could soon be cataloguing the world wide web up to five times faster, thanks to new software tweaks developed by Stanford University computer scientists.Such a turbo boost should allow web searches to be tailored for particular topics and, in future, personalised for every user.Ranking the more than three billion web sites now online can currently take days with PageRank. An individually customised ranking "would now take 5000 computers five days to do. It's not feasible," says Stanford researcher Sepandar Kamvar.The first of the Stanford team's software tweaks is called BlockRank and would give the greatest boost, tripling PageRank's speed. The researchers found 80 per cent of the pages on any given web site link to other pages on the same site. Such relatively closed systems are much simpler for PageRank to deal with. By running PageRank only a few times on such networks and then "gluing" the results together before scanning the entire Web, BlockRank saves PageRank time.Next, the scientists found the rankings of many low-rated pages are calculated early in the PageRank process since they receive few links, but PageRank keeps reanalysing them as it continues its work on other pages. In a method called Adaptive PageRank, these redundant computations are eliminated, for a 50 per cent increase in speed. Finally, new "extrapolation methods" make an assumption that the link structure of the web is much simpler than actually is. This simplification permits PageRank to work about 50 per cent faster. These results are not fully correct, but they are close and can then be refined by the original PageRank algorithm.For more info check out:, I think you need to change your title fromSite Admin to Google Freak!Haha, whatever, you have your interests in art, and I have mine in google. We all have our thing, whats the difference. You should be called a flash freak i say ban him bigweb... (my nose is getting browner by the second! before long ill be Asst. Admin! haha)Hahaha i say be google freak that is awarding This is exactly the kind of information I am looking for when I visit this board. This is far more interesting than why some page will not rank, or complaints that Google is not indexing some guys site.Much appreciated post, thanks!just so you know, bigweb's original post is over a year helps to read the dates of posts, especially if it seems to have come out of nowhere. Quote:Hmm, I wonder what has happened with this blockrank thing anyways...Bigwebmaster wrote: