New Affiliate Programs Directory


I just recently launched a new affiliate programs directory- <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w -->. It's a free to list one and two tier directory. No adult or MLM type programs are allowed.

All submitted programs must provide some type of affiliate tracking in order to be added to the directory. Further submission guidelines are included with your initial registration e-mail.

Obviously, there will be no multiple program listings. You will be able to add both your affiliate/sub-affiliate URLS as well as the programs tier 1 and 2 payout amounts. The site also allows visitors to write in-depth descriptions, vote, refer, and write reviews on particular programs. The most popular category is weighed by unique click throughs of affiliate programs and the top ranked category is weighed by visitor voting. Only 1 vote is allowed per IP. The site also allows members to subscribe to particular affiliate program categories to remian abreast of new affiliate programs added to that specific category.

It's still in it's virgin state but I recommend you register and submit your affiliate and sub-affiliate URLS. Please be sure to write good descriptions of the programs you would like to promote. I'm in the process of having the graphic design and CSS layout revised and an Affiliate Chat and Forum area are forthecoming.