netscapers, i need help


Hi,<br />
I have a near finished web site. The only real problem is that, when viewed in Netscape Navigator, my title, which is just text, disapears and the images on my left border - navigation bar joggle around. If someone could take a look at the source - <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w --> and help me out, it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!<!--content-->what version of Netscape? i'm looking at it with Mozilla Firebird 0.6.1, and i don't see any problems. i assume you mean Netscape 4.x?<br />
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however, there are some HTML (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ...</a><!-- m -->) and CSS (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ...</a><!-- m -->) errors.<!--content-->delete this<br />
<br />
""<br />
<br />
and if you are talking bout NS4.x I don't believe it uses the caption tags. it should just ignore them<br />
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also loose the / at the end of your link tag as html transitional doesn't use those and it confuses the browser as it thinks you closed the header prematurly.<!--content-->im testing now on the newest version of Netscape, 7.1, and it seems the logo at the top appears, but my buttons on my left navigation bar are gone. This is really strange as the image at the top of the nav bar remains. Please help! Thanks again<!--content-->this should have been posted on the other thread (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->).<br />
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someone will probably be along to close this thread. in the future, please keep all issues related to the original problem together in the same thread. this helps other users understand the problem (since you provided no link to the other thread, or any relevant background information), and it also helps keep related information concise, compact, and easy to manage.<br />
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not to worry; you probably just hit the wrong button ("post new" vs. "reply").<br />
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thanks!<!--content-->I merged the two together.<br />
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in ordder for anybody to help you need to do waht we suggest. you haven't done anything that was suggested here yet.<!--content-->hi,<br />
i really appreciate the responses. I don't want to have to get rid of my doctype declaration, however, and <br> should be interpreted the same as <br /> in the loose html format, anyway. So my question remains - in Netscape navigator 7.1 why are my buttons disappearing? and in NN 4.x, why does my title disapear? Please help - thank you for your time.<!--content-->I didn't say delete the doctype, I said delete the loose.dtd<br />
that file causes a lot of problems.<br />
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and I sm not talking about <br /> I am talking about the link tag where you have one. that will kill the head section if you are not running xhtml. that will make your title disappear.<!--content-->Thank you scoutt very much for your help<br />
Im sorry, youll have to bear with me as i dont know a whole lot about html just yet. To clarify, how should i remove the loose.dtd from the doctype declaration? I thought that was part of it - ie should it just read<br />
( cut out the "http-blah,blah-loos.dtd" here) ><br />
or what? Also, im sure youre right but how come html will ignore the slash in <br />, but it gets messed up in the link? And (sigh) finally, any ideas on why the buttons are disappearing - is this because of the loose.dtd thing? i think it may be because each button is surrounded by the caption element for spacing, but this is improper html. my server is down, however, and i cant mess with it now. once agin, thank you very much. Let me know when you get the chance...<!--content-->that is correct. all you need is this<br />
<br />
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"><br />
<br />
see unless you specify xhtml the browser thinks you ended the head tag prematurely when you have a / in the end of the link. <br />
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actually it doesn't ignore it if you use then in break tags. NS4.xx might error out on those as well since they came in after the browser was put out 10 years ago. hard to say as I don't code for that one anymore.<br />
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fix tha tfirst then we will see if the buttons go away. we can only take one step at a time.<!--content-->and yes it is the caption. you can only have 1 set an dit has to start right after the table tag, not in the cells.<!--content-->Just 85 easy-to-fix errors, see: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... &verbose=1</a><!-- m --> for a list.<br />
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The answers are in many previous threads. Post again about any that you do not understand.<!--content-->Thank you for your help<br />
I took out all the captions and that loose.dtd file and the slash at the end of my links - and it works on netscape 7.1 now, whereas before it wasn't even functional. I need to have someone check it on NN 4.8 still... Thanks again!<!--content-->Good Job done! You fixed 82 of the errors. The last few are not really a big problem.<!--content-->Originally posted by Jon Dapron <br />
I need to have someone check it on NN 4.8 still... Thanks again! <br />
looks pretty good in 4.8. but in the future you need to just not worry about that browser. it is being faded out and it doesn't code up to standards.<!--content-->