Netscape4.7, and table backgrounds......


Staff member
Ok made a few pages. Noticed that in N4.7 the table backgrounds....well, as usual......they do things they aren't supposed to. The particular pages I am speaking of are:<br />
<br />
Degree Programs<br />
Admissions<br />
Tuition & Fees<br />
Log In<br />
<br />
the code is simply <table ...blah...blah...blah... background="back5.gif"><br />
<br />
Any Ideas? I appreciate it! <br />
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Also, some areas are disabled as of yet.<br />
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<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><!--content-->Netscape has a different idea about inheritance. It seems the solution is to explicitly define the background for every nested table and every cell. I use background="" if I want it to be nothing but I've heard "transparent" works too.<br />
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Good luck!<br />
Paul Gabriel<!--content-->