Netscape vs Internet Explorer problems


Ok I posted a little earlier *****ing about the problems I am having viewing my frames and font size in Internet Explorer and then going to Netscape and it being all out of wack. So I looked up some javascript stuff about detecting the browser and thought if it is netscape i will make my frames size so they look good in Netscape and if Explorer so they will look good in explorer, but I have no idea how to change the frame size within my Javascript function can you help me out<br />
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<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><!--content-->In IE it is simple to resize the frames dynamically:<br />
<br />
parent.document.body.rows="40%,60%";<br />
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or <br />
<br />
parent.document.body.cols="40%,60%";<br />
<br />
In Netscape forget it. You have to rewrite the frameset and reload. Probably better to just re-direct to a defective browser page.<br />
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I don't know why anyone wastes time trying to support NS anymore.<!--content-->Because millions of "poor, unfortunate souls" still use it. Maybe one day they will see the light and realize what they've been missing in IE.<!--content-->Originally posted by COBOLdinosaur <br />
I don't know why anyone wastes time trying to support NS anymore. <br />
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some people just hate microsoft. They would rather use anything besides IE. And there are a significant number of surfers who don't use IE...just over 15%.<!--content-->mostly because IE is a bad browser. In order to accomodate the errors produced by FrontPage, it accepts faulty html. This makes it very important not to use IE while creating web pages.<br />
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Also, please remember that statistics are not reliable. My browser of choice is Opera. However, when I try to access Microsoft sites (and I sometimes have to, I use Windows), I am told that "Alas, your browser is too old and faulty to be able to read our pages. Please upgrade to MSIE at once".<br />
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Fortunately, the makers of Opera have forseen this. Under preferences, you can choose "Browser identification". As long as Opera identifies itself as MSIE5, it has no problems with the same sites.<br />
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There are few websites that deliberately sabotage the use of MSIE, so I leave the setting that way.<!--content-->