Netscape VS Internet Explorer Problem

I am in the beginning stages of creating a web site for our church and I am using frames and everything looks fine and dandy in Internet Explorer, but when you view it in Netscape the formatting is all messed up and it looks stupid. Any suggestions on how to fix this?<br />
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<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><!--content-->I viewed the page in IE5.0 and Netscape 4.7... and honestly I don't see a difference. Your top frame is overlapped by the bottom one in both browesers, and the font changes a little in Netscape...but not enough to be a huge concern.<!--content-->It is much the same (as in Explorer 4.0 and Netscape 4.7), except that the headline in the top frame is white on white - in other words, gone.<br />
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Now I think you probably imagine that you have a background image up there? Well you do, and you don't. The background image is:<br />
file:///C|/My%20Documents/Bethlehem%20Web/green.jpg"><br />
Which means you need access to your C: drive to see it.<br />
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And you should really ask yourself why you need frames. Frames cause problems - both with reloading pages and with bookmarking. They also complicate the design of your pages. <br />
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If you have many pages with identical menus and you need to update the menu often, perhaps you will find that you need frames. I'm assisting with a site that has the same menu on about 2 - 300 pages. We do that by tables and search and replace, but if it grows much larger, perhaps frames will be considered.<br />
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For a site like yours frames just aren't needed. If you don't think having the links at the top of the page is enough, add the same row at the bottom as well. If your site grows to a hundred pages, obviously you will need a different design anyway.<br />
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PS:<br />
That map? See if you can compress it a bit. It shouldn't have to be that big a file.<!--content-->I absolutely agree with corwings.... frames are not usually needed. They are generally abused, when a good layout will achieve the same effect (many times BETTER than frames.) <br />
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Below is a copy of your pic, file size reduced from 434k to 20k. Make sure you always reduce the filesize if pics. <br />
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also, save your pics as .gif UNLESS they are photographs. Photo quality pics should be saved as .jpg<br />
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That means your border at the top.....<!--content-->