Netscape shows raw code with .shtml


I have a problem that I have never encountered before.<br />
My website, built using server side includes, displays correctly with internet explorer, but shows only the raw source code in all versions of netscape and mozilla.<br />
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The odd thing is that within the raw source code, my inserted includes are actually being added into my pages by the hosting server. It's just not displaying as a webpage.<br />
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go here to see what i mean.<br />
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><br />
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like i said. it works in explorer, but dies in netscape.<br />
this sample page is not even calling any includes.<br />
it's just a regular html file with a .shtml suffix.<br />
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the website displays fine off-line, but on-line, it dies.<br />
does anyone have any clue why this might be happening?<br />
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thanks<br />
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ken<!--content-->post a link to the the real page that does include the SSI tag.<!--content-->You need to look at the site with a HTTP sniffer/analyser. <br />
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It is possible that the pages are not being served with the correct MIME type.<!--content-->nevermind. <br />
I called tech support and they<br />
were able to fix the problem for me.<br />
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thanks for the advice anyway!<br />
I really appreciate it.<br />
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<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><!--content-->Sounds like it was probably the MIME type then.<!--content-->