Netscape Question


Most my Web sites are not compatible with Netscape. Does anyone even use it?<!--content-->For one thing, Netscape makes it apparent at a glance that a site is badly designed, so you waste less time. If you are lucky, you get just a blank page before you hit the back button<!--content-->as I understand it.. Netscape 4.7 users are about 15% right now, and Netscape 6 users are starting to emerge. <br />
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Some people use it as their preference, while others simply abhor microsoft products.<!--content-->15% ?? that's a little high most of the stats indicate just under 10%. IE is now used by about 87% of users and that is up from 82% in November when Netscrap 6 was introduced. IE5 put them on the ropes and from what I have seen of IE 6 beta, that will finish them off.<br />
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I see mo value in wasting my time trying to support a defective and obsolete technology produces by a manufacturer who still thinks it is 1996.<!--content-->