Hi,<BR><BR>I developed my site using Asp.net. The form looks fine in IE but in netscape, all the fields are wider than specified and the images are not in the correct places as seen in IE. The client NEEDS this application to be viewable in both browsers.<BR><BR>I am using the <asp:> tag to define my textboxes and other controls on the page. I noticed that if I use the mytextbox.attributes.add("size", "5") command on the server side .vb file, then the textbox sizes are recognized in Netscape, otherwise, the width specified in the html file in .net, is not recognized in Netscape.<BR><BR>Does anyone know any settings I could use or fixes I could make so that the site could look the same in netscape as I developed it in IE.<BR><BR>Also.. which command can I use to determine which browser type is being used.<BR><BR>Any help would be greatly appreciated. <BR><BR>Thank you,<BR><BR>Anthealook for a style sheet to fix this.<BR>i have used this:<BR><BR><input type="text" style="font-family: Courier, monospace;"><BR><BR>it's ok, but Courier font many not be attractive. <BR><BR>Hi,<BR><BR>Thanks for the response. Does this mean that I have to change all my <asp:> control tags to <html> or can I keep this the same.<BR><BR>Thanks,add this line in the <head></head> of each page<BR>----------------------------------------<BR><link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href=http://aspmessageboard.com/archive/index.php/"Style.css"><BR><BR>add this line to your Style.css<BR>----------------------------------------<BR>input {font-family: Courier, monospace}<BR><BR><BR>-or-<BR><BR>if you only need to fix a couple items you can apply the style directly. <BR>-----------------------------------------------------<BR>TextBox1.Attributes.Add("style", "font-family: Courier, monospace;")<BR><BR>-------------------------------------------------------------<BR>Check with CSS groups! i'm sure there's another way to keep NS4 happy without having to use Courier. <BR><BR>In the properties of your document you need to change the "target schema" to be the lowest browser setting you will target. In your case you might want to change it to Netscape 4.0. What that will do is change ALL OF YOUR HTML to use table tags. BE VERY CAREFUL DOING THIS AS DOING THIS WILL PERMANENTLY CHANGE YOUR CODE AND YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO CLICK THE UNDO BUTTON! I know this personally.