netscape/mozilla table borders


can anyone tell me how to get rid of the borders around the cells inside my table? i have some cells that i want to have a border, so i made them have black borders, the others have white borders on a white background, so they dont show up. It works fine in ie, but in netscape and mozilla grey borders show up around every cell.<br />
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thanks!<!--content--><table width="750" border="1" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#000000">Am I looking at the right page?<table ... border=0 ... ><!--content-->but some cells need to have a border, can a cell have a border of 1 if the table it's in has a border of 0?<!--content-->If you are using styles to create your borders, you need to turn off the table HTML borders.<br />
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NS 4 may balk unless you apply the styles to the TD and TH tags, but NS 6+ and Mozilla should behave.<!--content-->