Netscape HTML code file without suffix


Hello, I am new to the forum and would like to begin right away with a question.<br />
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I've set up some pages (HTML code) that I have saved without the usual .htm or .html suffix. These pages run OK in the Microsoft Explorer browser but when run in a Netscape browser the file is presented in it's pure text format.<br />
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Can anyone give a hint as to how I can fix this problem without adding the .htm or .html suffix to my files - a work around, whatever.<br />
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To demonstrate the above try this url in both browsers (MS Explorer and Netscape):<br />
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<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><br />
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Thanks for you attention and help.<br />
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George<!--content-->thats the beauty of it. NS is so strict that it just thinks that its just a plain ole file, not a webpage. IE displays anything and everything errors or not.<br />
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by the way it is not good to code you pages without an extension.<br />
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you will need the html or htm extension<!--content-->Scoutt's right - as usual.<br />
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As much as I dislike NS 4.xx it's right and both you and IE are absolutely wrong in this case. (My dislike of NS 4.xx stems from its poor implementation of CSS).<br />
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Imagine not naming any file on your computer with an extension. How would the PC know to open it as a word document, an executable program or something/anything else. Sorry, but trying not to use file extensions is slightly (at best) nonsensical.<br />
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Neil<!--content-->I have always wondered how have got away without providing extensions on some of their files (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->).<!--content-->because they specified in the httpd.cond file what page to load if it was called. that could be the only reason.<br />
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besides that site is not the most prime example :P<!--content-->