netscape help, frames?


Im new here, I was just wondering why this website i made for a friend will not display in netscape. Is it because of the frames? Any help will be appreciated.<br />
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Cheers,<br />
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Ordonyez<!--content-->I have just loaded it in NS6.2 and no problems. What version of NS are you using? NS is very unforgiving to the slightest error... this can be both good and bad. Post your frameset code and let us have a look.<br />
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You might be glad to know that NS accounts for less than 5% of all viewers these days... <br />
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Your site looks like it could do the job by the way but could do with some tweaks here and there... why not post it to the review area of the forums.<!--content-->Which version of Netscape? I tried it with Mozilla 1.3, which uses the same rendering engine as Netscape 7, and the frames loaded just fine.<br />
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I also tried it with Opera 7 for fun; once again, no problems, and Opera is known for being very picky.<br />
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Run your site through the WC3 Validator (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->) []. Maybe you have an error(s) that's causing the problem.<!--content-->