Netscape doesn't like my OnMouseOver effects


Can't figure out why my OnMouseOver effects that work in IE don't work in Netscape. The page in question:<br />
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<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><br />
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As you mouse over the products to the left, there should be big descriptions that pop up on the right.<br />
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Any ideas?<br />
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Thanks!<br />
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Cecilia<!--content-->You have a very nice site there, and it works beautifully in Explorer. <br />
Is not a your fault at all that it doesn't work in Netscape. The code (documentwrite) is not compatible for Netscape, use a different code. <br />
Here is an example: <br />
In the middle of this page: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><br />
is code that is compatible with Netscape, and in the same space, code that is compatible with Explorer. You see different things with each browser. <br />
Do a search on one of the sites at the top of this Webdeveloper's page. The right cose should work.<br />
If you have a problem I will help you find something.<!--content-->Ok, I think I understand, but I need a little more help. You're saying I need two sets of code in the same page, one that will work in Netscape, and one in IE, right? And in the page you sent me to, there is an example of this? <br />
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I looked at it, but being fairly inexperienced, I'm not seeing what you mean. If it's not too much trouble, could you go to the source and cut and paste the two versions right here? I'd appreciate it so much! <br />
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Thanks for taking the time to write. I'll probably be off for the holidays for a while, but I guarantee you I'll be checking back!<br />
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