Netscape and IE


Staff member
Hi again. Here I am with another question. I partner with a gal who's site is <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> . She wrote me in a frenzy and said after a very long time of just using netscape, she thought she'd check her site out in IE. It didn't look right to her. I asked if she'd upgraded IE, she hadn't, did so and it still isn't better.<br />
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So, today I checked it out and both and the only difference is the centering. IT seems "off" in IE - would anyone happen to know why that is and what she could do to fix it? <br />
Thanks so much in advance and even if you don't or can't answer, thanks anyway...:)<br />
Jeni<!--content-->Jeni,<br />
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After a relatively cursory look, it appears that she has not set the widths of her columns. A quick fix is to use a transparent gif of a defined width in each column. If she wants each column to be 250 pixels wide, make a 250 x 2 transparent gif and put in the top or bottom of each column. You can mess with the width attribute with pixels or percentages for each column, but I prefer the transparent gif because your column will never be more narrow than intended.<br />
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For a transparent gif use a graphic program and make a 2 x 2 transparent gif and you can use it in any page by modifying the width and height attributes of the image.<!--content-->Hi there Jeni,<br />
I noticed that the third column, the one to the right, is wider than the rest, and I think she wanted it to be equal with the other two. One thing I also noticed is that she left out a break tag after the clickable link to, I wonder if that is what is throwing off her td sizing. (It's the third from last link in the right hand column, in my IE it shows the link and then a horizontal line right beside the link instead of below it.)<br />
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Oh yeah, I forgot to mention, in my netscape the horizontal line shows up correctly even without the <br> tag!<br />
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[Edited by Wabanaki Web on 03-12-2001 at 12:04 AM]<!--content-->Thank you SOOOO much, both of you! I'll pass the info along. Wabakanki? did I get that right? probably not..well, I wanted to say, that's exactly how it appeared in my browsers, also - netscape is exactly as she wants it, but IE has it off a bit. <br />
I so appreciate this! I really owe you guys! Let me know if you ever need any health advice...well! it's all i have to offer! :D<br />
You're the best!<!--content-->LOL It's Wabanaki, pronounced wah-bah-nah-key, but you know something? Donna is a heck of alot easier to pronounce and remember......<br />
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Glad to help! Donna<!--content-->I butchered that, didn't I!? Sorry, Donna - was an honest boo-boo! And yes, Donna sure is easier! :-)<br />
Thanks again for your help.<br />