Netscape 7 issue...

Hi guys...<br />
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I have a page that was built using nested tables. Nothing fancy, just the usual. It works fine except in Netscape 7, most of it doesn't show and then the rest is all weird.<br />
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It's working fine on other browsers... I'm not using layers or anything either.<br />
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What gives? Is there an issue with Netscape 7?<!--content-->Well, you shouldn't really use nested tables for layout. <br />
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How about zipping it and posting it, or alternately just post the code.<br />
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Have you validated it?<br />
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><!--content-->I wish I could post it, but it's "company property". Plus I always use nested tables for layout. How else can I stick all those images next to each other to form one bi picture?<br />
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I ran the page through the validator (what a cool site! thanks) and it returned lots of useless errors like "ALT attribute required" (oh really? well I don't wan't an alt on that image.)<br />
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I don't know... I'm researching on the net and there are a lot of developers that are angry with Netscape 7.<!--content-->Originally posted by (*)BlackZer0 <br />
I ran the page through the validator (what a cool site! thanks) and it returned lots of useless errors like "ALT attribute required" (oh really? well I don't wan't an alt on that image.)<br />
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Even if you want nothing to display if your image doesn't display, you can still define the alt attribute like this, alt="".<!--content-->Technically you're absolutely right, but I mean, isn't that a waste of coding?<br />
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But I guess it's true... I need to consider other browsers that are "lesser" than IE when I design. IE is pretty tolerant as to Doctype conformations, but I guess others aren't.<br />
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Still, that's not the problem at hand now... but thanks for pointing it out.<!--content-->Depending upon what tool you are using to create your pages with, you could edit what code it generates when you click on the <img> tag button. I would set mine to create "<img src=".html" width="0px" height="0px" alt="" />" because I use XHTML, but using the HTML version would work as well.<br />
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In terms of browsers, I would put IE on the "lesser" side.<!--content-->I haven't had any trouble with Netscape 7 myself, but that's my last in line for testing, with Mozilla in front of it. Because they're based on the gecko browser, they're basically the same.<br />
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It's difficult to offer advice without seeing the code... Maybe you could strip out the table contents and post it? have you used any css? maybe you could post that?<!--content-->Good news! I rebuilt the page from scratch, using Dreamweaver MX, and it works fine on Netscape 7 and IE!<br />
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Bad news is, it's all weird on Netscape 4.6 now.<br />
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I wish I could give you the code, but it's against company policy. But I don't understand why it's doing this...<br />
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Oh well. Thanks for the help. :)<!--content-->Have you used any css? if so, try removing it and viewing it in Netscape 4.6. If that helps, you can use the @import rule to hide it.<br />
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<style type="text/css"><br />
<!--<br />
@import url(styles.css);<br />
--><br />