Netscape 7 Browser Display Problems


I've just checked our site in Netscape 7 (I've not seen it in lower NS) and see some small problems with tables or cells overlapping or wrong sizing. The site looks fine in IE 5 the Doctype is Transitional, and the HTML code is 100% valid. I'd be grateful if anyone could pinpoint the problem and suggest a fix. <br />
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Have a look at the sidebar, box quotes, and other tables on these pages in Netscape and you'll see what I mean. They all look fine in IE and Konqueror. <br />
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<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... .etter.htm</a><!-- m --> <br />
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Ta! <br />
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Colin<!--content-->I've got N7 /XP and everything looks good!<!--content-->Thanx Karinne, but using Netscape 7 here there are definitely problems with the tables:<br />
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This page is the clearest:<br />
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> <br />
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The tract image cells overlap the sidebar navigation cell by a lot.<br />
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On this page:<br />
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> <br />
The side bar cell, called using CSS, is twice as wide as it should be with a lot of space to the right of the navigation text.<br />
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On this page:<br />
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.born-again-christian.inf...worth.etter.htm">http://www.born-again-christian.inf...worth.etter.htm</a><!-- m --> <br />
The 'Pull Quote boxes' in the side bar, are about a third wider than they should be and look odd. When I changed their cell code from <TD width="100%"> to <TD> that made them narrower, but not as 'tight' as when viwed in IE5.<br />
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Also on the Homepage:<br />
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><br />
The lower left navigation box 'NEW and HOT' is pressed right against the main table instead of having a narrow gap.<br />
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I'd be very grateful if anyone could offer a fix.<br />
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Ta!<br />
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Colin<!--content-->well if you want to be that picky then the text is bigger in IE than NS.<br />
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I mean com eon, it looks just fine in NS. not every browser will show the exact same page the exact same. actually how do you know it is NS that is messing up???? NS is far better than IE and supports more css than IE. so it could be the fault of IE rather than NS.<br />
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I wouldn't worry about the small stuff but rather just the stuff that is noticable, like tables bigger than the whole site or an image not showing up.<br />
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<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> <br />
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The tract image cells overlap the sidebar navigation cell by a lot.<br />
I don't see that, have a screen shot??<!--content-->Thank you very much for having a look, I appreciate your time and comments.<br />
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I think the reason you are having difficulty seeing what I see is that you are viewing in a 17"+ screen, I'm using a 15" screen and the overlap I mentioned is considerable.<br />
Especially on this page:<br />
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<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><br />
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IE5 renders the site perfectly, it's only in NS that the table and cell width problems show.<br />
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Anybody got a <15" monitor with NS7?<br />
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Your help is most welcome.<br />
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Ta!<br />
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Colin<!--content-->so that means you are developing on a 640x480 resolution when 95% of the people use 800x600. just bump up your resolution and you will see the same as everybody else. doesn't matter the size of the moniotor but the resolution the user has.<!--content-->Thanks Scoutt!<br />
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A large part of our visitors are from Asia where the commonest monitor is 14"-15", set to the smaller resolution.<br />
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I'd like them to be able to see using Netscape what IE5 users see through the same kind of monitor.<br />
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Any ideas how I could get NS7 to display the pages properly?<br />
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Colin<!--content-->well without setting my resolution to 640 I can only guess as to what it will take to fix it. it might be that NS doesn't have enough room to show the document the way IE does. the reason is all browsers display differently, hence the NS is more cramped.<br />
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edit: well I changed my resolution and I still don't see what is wrong. it looks just like it did at 800. can you show me a screen shot?<!--content-->I'm on the move in Asia using public computers so I can't give you a screen shot.<br />
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What you see using NS7 on the bikers page is the tract images overlapping the side bar box considerably.<br />
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Don't worry Scoutt, somebody else will have an idea.<br />
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Thanks for your time.<br />
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Colin<!--content-->that makes sense but I can't fix something that isn't broken to me. :P<br />
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also I have teken the time to spread out the code after you coded it all on 1 line. then after looking at the code and the css I don't see why it would do it. you are using tables and the tables can't over lap if it is just plain vanilla tables. you didn't use any margins or make the tables postition relative. I made my screen as small as I can and didn't see anything over lap.<br />
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I also believe that anybody else on here will see the samething as I, nothing wrong.<!--content-->Don't worry Scoutt, it's not broken for you, but it *IS* broken for our Asian Netscape 7 users. I'm using NS7.0 fresh Download <!--more-->, with default settings too.<br />
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I've spotted other bugs with the new browser since posting here, such as, type a url without the www and you get a DNS error. Even IE5 can cope with that. <br />
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I'll contact Netscape directly to see if they can debug it.<br />
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Thanx Again!<br />
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Colin<br />
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PS. Yes, we code on one line to speed up loading. Makes a remarkable difference. Try it.<!--content-->ok I understand but I have 2 issues still.<br />
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1) how can they over lap if they are tables and not positioned to overlap??? you are not using top:xxx left: xxx which would make it overlap. again I don't see how the code can do it. can you send a screenshot, if not then I have to disbelieve you. Asia is no diferent than anywhere else. a browser is a browser and nobody can make it happen then it isn't broke. have you tried to hard refresh as the cache might be messed up.<br />
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2) coding on one line does not improve the speed of the loading. it may make the page load faster as the file maybe a bit smaller but coding in one line is very bad programming and the browser still reads it normally. also doiing it one one line is VERY bad to decode.<br />
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with that said, and in my opinion, I bid thee good day.<!--content-->