Netscape 6 changes the alignment of my tables???? BIG PROBLEM!!


Hi, <br />
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My problem is that almost my entire site is made using spliced images. These look fine, and line up fine in both IE5 and Netscape 4.7, however when I open the page in Netscape 6 the images are all unaligned which makes it look like crap<br />
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Could you please tell me what is going on? the site is located at:<br />
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I would really appreciate it if anyone could help.. I have had SO many problems with Netscape changing colours on me, and showing the lines of tables, that this is honestly the last straw... <br />
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Thanks<br />
Isa<!--content-->Hi Isa,<br />
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Take heart, you have done nothing wrong, N6 is a pile of browser dung that has been heaped upon web surfers for reasons unknown to intelligent life. Don't worry about it, with a browser share of less than one half of one percent, its not going to affect anybody. The page looks great in IE5 and Netscape 4 browsers. <br />
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Regards,<br />
Kevin<!--content-->Kevin took the words out of my mouth - No one cares about Netscape 6!<br />
So don't worry, if it looks good in IE5 and Netscape 4.7 then you're gonna be fine! <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><!--content-->Thanks for your help :) its nice to hear that other people hate Netscape 6 like I do!<br />
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I did however manage to fix the problem!!!! <br />
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I made the webapges in Fireworks, and when you export the original file into gifs to use on the website, it produces a 1x1 pixel image called shim.gif. Then I would import the images into dreamweaver, and insert them into a layer, then to a table (so that it would always be in the middle of the page, no matter the res.) Up until this point i never bothered about the shim.gif image, and sometimes I would upload it, but mostly I wouldnt. (I mean its an image that I have no idea what it is there for, and it never seemed to make a difference).<br />
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Today when I was making some more pages, I noticed that the page I just made worked in N6, and it had the shim.gif in the right directory... it seems that N6 uses it for placement... so i copied the image to all my image directories, and bang, it works like a charm :)<br />
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so thanks for replying to me :) it def made me feel better... but i definitely NEVER want to use N6 again :)<br />
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cya<br />
isa<!--content-->nice site, and glad you figured out your N6 problem, let me ask you one thing though. With so many large images......file size is huge for your homepage. Your intended audience is T1 users?<!--content-->That is what I thought too, so I did a "Save page with images as..." to see how bad things were. Turned out the whole page was less than 100 kb! Now of course the recommended maximum is 75 kb, but so few people are within that these days. That is very impressive.<!--content-->Thanks for your comments! <br />
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To answer Dr. Web, yes our intended audience are all T1 users... we mostly expect them to be accademics at universities, rather than modem users....<!--content-->I would not write off netscape 6 just yet.<br />
The main problem as far as I am concerned is that you guys are too used to working with "bad" browsers, eg. browsers which are not following standards. You have for years now been taught, self-taught and re-taught how to compensate for bugs in existing browser and how to create layouts based on how browsers in the past have chosen to display contents.<br />
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Netscape 6 is unique browser, just like NS3 was originally, and the people from netscape 6 took a bold step and dropped much of the existing layout 'bagage' (even dropped certain objects, too) and modelled it to comply with the w3c's recommodation entirely (including dom, css, etc). The browser is still short on some support but in many ways much more advanced than anything on the market so far, incl msie browsers (this may change with msie 6).<br />
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Really, I would be surprised if you had told me that you designed a site to show well in msie5 and netscape 4 and then you opened it and it looked perfect in ns6. <br />
Same as I would be surprised if you told me that you designed a page in netscape 6 and it showed equally in msie5.5.<br />
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Netscape 6 is closer to the official w3c recommodations of any browser out there and if these recommodations are sucessfully implemented then soon you can expect more browsers to display layouts accordingly (incl msie).<br />
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I would not get too caught up in the 0.5% market share so far as the browser is very new and you will probably see support growing once the initial bugs are corrected (in 6.1). Remember ie 5.00 used to have lots of bugs, too.<br />
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