Netscape 4.75


How important is it to code for 4.75? I use to take the time to make sure everything worked in 4.75, 6, 7, Opera 6.05, 7, IE (anything goes) and I now use Mozilla as my primary browser. According to my web logs out of 9013 hits only 7% are ns. Me I like 4.75 and Mozilla personally. I guess it seems that the trends are moving away from 4.75. Is that what everyone else is seeing? I mean my sites work in 4.75 but sometimes it isn't pretty and the crash you get from the php boards..oh my!<!--content-->Most of the crashes from PHP boards on my old Netscape 4.76 were probably caused by their awful non-valid code with nesting errors, unclosed tags, unquoted attributes, and other such problems. I liked Netscape 4.8 and still use it from tie to time. The sites that crash it, all have coding errors.<br />
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Run your code through <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> and fix as much as you can. The site should degrade gracefully in older browsers if you do it right.<br />
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Stick with HTML 4.01 Transitional for now, as XHTML with CSS breaks in quite a few browsers.<br />
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Check your CSS using <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> as well.<!--content-->