Netscape 4.7 woes


No doubt this has been covered before (I'm new here) but I have a case where I've created a site with tables. The left hand side is the menu, running vertically and comprises of different button elements and graphics. To the right of this menu is a tall graphic element (to border the menu and body of the site), rowspaning its vertical length in place. To the right of this graphic is the main body of the site, which is a cell containing another (nested) table.<br />
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All the site's pages use this as a template and the amount of content of most of the pages isn't too extensive. However, in one of the pages, the main body table has more content than the rest. Of course, this expands the whole main table downward.<br />
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The problem is that, while this site works well under the current versions of IE and Netscape, the old version of Netscape 4.7 makes the menu items "spread out" from top to bottom, creating spaces between the buttons on the left hand side (remember, the content-heavy table is stretching the main table downwards). Hope I'm making sense.<br />
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I've used the valign="top" tag throughout, which keeps all the other cells' contents at the top of their respective cells.<br />
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I know Netscape 4.7 is everyone's headache, but is there something basic I'm missing?<br />
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Thanks in advance.<br />
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