netscape 4.7 vs 7.0 div-positioning


Hi Cracks,<br />
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my problem concerns the navigation-bar in the top-frame. clicking on a link should make a layer in the left-frame with further links visible. these layers are div-containers positioned with external css. external because i want to take different screen-solutions into consideration with different sheets.<br />
on 'home' there should be all layers on the left 'hidden' which is default, only when making a choice in the top a layer should become visible. It's of course no problem with all ie's, but netscape 7.0 won't show any layer! and most surprising netscape 4.7, this old bastard does !!!:confused: <br />
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any clues<br />
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thank you so far<br />
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Chickenman<!--content-->Originally posted by Chickenman <br />
any cluesAll clues lie in your code. Without your code we are clueless.<br />
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NS 7 is a DOM-compliant browser. You access an object using<br />
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document.getElementById("divID").style.visibility = "visible"; // or "hidden"<!--content-->you can have a look at <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w --> .<br />
i'm building up this site but i just managed to have a somehow proper ie-version but look at the top-frame's code<br />
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i hope that helps, it's the show-hide-layer thing, not really elegant what i did, but i'm learning<br />
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thank you<br />
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