NetLogis Caritas Site Evaluation

Hello to all<br />
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I just wanted your opinions on this site....<br />
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If you can think of any improvements or faults with the site please let me know. You may post here or go to <br />
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The site is designed to provide FREE Down payment to homeBuyers to buy a house, anywhere in the USA and Canada. NetLogis Caritas is charity organization.<br />
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Thanks allot.<br />
Bela Ba<!--content-->I absolutely LOVE the content! I believe that this post fell into my lap, and it was a God send. <br />
As for the site layout, it is pleasing to the eye, the color scheme and layout. The only problem I have with it is the target main is too small on some display sizes, the text does not fit within so you have to scroll from side to side to read.<br />
Looking at the source code, I found that you have it all within a table. I personally think you did not need to do that, only the part where you actually had a table. Having just text instead of table, should let the overflow jump to next line. Otherwise, you just may be able to decrease the overall % size of the table to fit within to prevent the scrolling from side to side.<br />
On the whole, I found the site easy to navigate, the content valuable, and professional looking.<!--content-->Check out the W3C validation of your site here: <br />
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A few minor problems, but otherwise a good site. My only real gripe is the images along the top - they take up space which would be better served by content (for those of us with relatively low screen resolutions).<br />
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Adam<!--content-->Hello Energizer74 and Hello AdamGundry<br />
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Thank you for taking the time to write and for your comments<br />
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To Energizer74:<br />
we are trying to corrrect the pages, that you mentioned, which do not fit into the main frame.<br />
Do you know of any way to get rid off the table which as you said we do not need, without beaking the whole page's content ? <br />
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All the pages have the width but for some unknown reasons some pages fit and some others, like the introduction (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->) and yourRole (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->) just do not fit. Any correction suggestion ?<br />
We use Dreamweaver, CuteHTML or MS Word Edit (Internet Explorer).<br />
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To AdamGundry:<br />
I followed the link you've provided ( W3C validation of NetLogis Caritas (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ...</a><!-- m -->) ) and couldn't understand why your reported errors are errors. Except for the missing (") at line 24, I do not see other errors. Could you explain ?<br />
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Thanks again to all of you for trying to help. It is really appreciated.<br />
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Wishing you continued success<br />
Bela Ba<!--content-->I will have to look again at the code, I don't think it will be that hard, if you use CuteHTML. That program is the ONLY one I use, I have used others, but Cute gives you much more freedom. I will get back to you as soon as I take a look at that again and will let you know what I figure out.<!--content-->I took another look and it seems to me that part of the problem is that you have a SIMPLE document (not requiring XHTML) done in XHTML. With something that simple, it can be done easily in straight HTML. All you need to do is put simple <p> tags by the paragraphs and <br> where you want a space, then the text when viewed in that frame will automatically adjust itself to the next line, no matter what size screen the user has, so everyone will benefit.<br />
As for the table that you do have on that information page,<br />
the only thing I can suggest is to decrease the width of the cells so the table appears smaller. For the left hand cells, the height of the cells can be a little higher to fit in the text. A good way to get a table size EXACTLY the way you want it is to use MS Word. You can insert a table and adjust the cells exactly how you want them. When you put the text in, rather than spreading width wise, it spills over and makes it higher. <br />
Hope this info helps, any other questions, feel free to email me: <!-- e --><a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a><!-- e --><!--content-->To Energizer74 <br />
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The problem of fitting the page has been identified and solved by jdavia, Webmaster (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... #post14384</a><!-- m -->) .<br />
Thanks to all of you for your supporting posts on this this subject.<br />
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Now let's concentrate on the other aspects of the NetLogis Site Evaluation<br />
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Thanks in advance for your contribution<br />