I am using a .net webforms Menu control generated from the following sitemap:\[code\]<siteMap xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/AspNet/SiteMap-File-1.0" > <siteMapNode url="" title="NavigationWrapper" description=""> <siteMapNode url="/" title="Home" description="" /> <siteMapNode url="/search" title="Search" description="" /> <siteMapNode url="/contact" title="Contact" description="" /> </siteMapNode></siteMap>\[/code\]When I click the home link, the SelectedItem property of the menu control is always null, but it works fine when clicking the other two links. I can't seem to work out why!The only way I can seem to get around this is to create a www.abc.com/home link for my homepage, but I'd prefer not to do that.Any help much appreciated!