.NET first time trying to use a form to send e-mai


New Member
I'm new to using .NET and I'm obviously doing something wrong. I copied exactly what was written from my ASP .NET book but I'm getting the error you see below. Why? I don't understand why I'm getting the error. Thanks for any advice.<BR><BR>Compiler Error Message: BC30451: Name 'timob12' is not declared.<BR><BR>Source Error:<BR><BR> <BR><BR>Line 10: Mail.To = NameText.Text<BR>Line 11: <BR>Line 12: Mail.From = [email protected]<BR>Line 13: SmtpMail.SmtpServer = mail.networks-plus.org<BR>Line 14: SmtpMail.Send(Mail)<BR> <BR>It needs to be in "quotes".Wow that was it..boy thats embarrassing I should have got that one myself..Thanks alot and sorry for that simple stupid question.